FMM Women’s Ministry Director

Shannon Visser

The documents and items linked below are a part of the recovery journey.  Please take note that experts emphasize to work on one’s own recovery individually (whether addict or spouse) for one year before making any major decisions.  Take this time to invest in yourself; to work on you.  Learn how to use the Reflective Listening Exercise for increased emotional resilience.  Find safety in support and disclosure and learn how to challenge distorted thinking.  All this is vital and called post-traumatic growth.   This process will move you from reactivity to responsiveness.  Bottom line, you will be in a healthier more stable place to make long term decisions instead of seeking short term relief.  We’re delighted to come alongside you and watch the Lord move in your life!

Email us to connect with the Women’s Support Groups

Women’s Workbook

Laaser’s Toolkit for Growth – For Individuals and Couples: Full Disclosure; Redemptive Separation; Healthy Communication Pt 1 & 2; Abstinence Contract; Neurochemistry of Addiction; The Three Chairs; The Three Circles; Vision; Hula Hoop Health – NOTE: This material supplements each individual’s recovery work in either the Spouses or Addict workbook.  It is not designed in itself to be recovery curriculum.

Helpful links for those married: Sexual Abstinence Period & Marital Contract; Couples Relationship Commitment Agreement; FANOS – Couples Daily Check-In


Shannon Visser is passionate about sharing her story and helping women out of addiction and into the fullness of what God has designed them to be.  After 20 years of working with adults with disabilities, Shannon left that career to follow God’s leading into full time ministry. She attended the SILS conference in 2022 and was introduced to the work of FMM. Through several conversations with Sue Moore and starting the ASC course, it was evident that God was leading her to join the work of FMM.  Shannon has had the privilege of seeing the ladies support group grow not only in numbers but also in maturity as members move from recovery into serving out of their story.  She prays that someday there will be active groups everyday lead by ladies that once attended group.

Shannon’s greatest joy in ministry comes from seeing ladies burdened with their brokenness realize who they are in Christ, have their relationships healed and openly share these truths with the others in group.  Shannon was born and raised in rural Michigan, and now resides in Indiana with Marty, her husband of 33 years and their rescue dog Frankie.  Marty and Shannon have two adult daughters, Amber and Kayla. She enjoys finding treasures at thrift stores, doing crafts,  reading, mountains, watching documentaries and Snoopy. You can often find her sipping on a coffee and chatting with someone at a local coffee shop.

The support group means to me a safe place to share my emotions and feeling without been judged.

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I am eternally grateful for this ministry and its leaders!!! The Lord brought me to this group almost a year and a half ago, in such a crucial time in my recovery, where I needed to go deeper and become fully known. I have found a genuine and safe group of ladies who lovingly embrace, challenge and support me with empathy and sincere care for me to be well!! The guide, my recovery plan and additional resources (such as the workshops) have provided the scientific and Biblically sound and practical knowledge and wisdom I have needed to address my multiple medicating behaviors, heart and core issues, to experience continual healing and transformation, all which has led me to a more sound, loving, reliant, profound and redemptive understanding of my Lord and relationship with Him!!! I just celebrated one year of sobriety from alcohol and I couldn’t have done it on my own!! ALL glory to God!!! Fellowship is truly equal to freedom!!!

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Group has given me the affirmation that I had always longed for in my life.  This group is like family to me and in some cases, I am closer to my fellow group participants than I am with actual relatives.  I have learned how to be real and support others who are being vulnerable.  I had no skills to do this before coming to group.

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The impact this support group has had upon my emotional and spiritual growth has been astounding. Every single time I begin to doubt if any of this has made a difference, I marvel at what ends up happening. I experience deeper revelation, greater intimacy and increased self-awareness. I’m also more willing to ask for help and work through distressing emotions. I’m learning that earlier ways of coping are no longer serving me nor in my relationships with others. I’m very grateful for the FMM L.I.F.E Recovery group because there is so much I’ve gained and it has been well worth the time and effort.

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